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“An exciting new story world with hidden depths.” 

~Jay Bushman, Emmy winning writer of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Featured Fan Art

Tiffany Burlew

Abigail Gelston

Claire VanHorn

Age 13

"I love the game of chess and Stacy Goldman being a chess player, it gave me a perfect chance to illustrate the scene of the match against Joseph Thornton. I wanted to express her feelings during the match including a few quotes from the book. This scene shows the tension between the two and Stacy’s talent for chess. "
Black pen, colored pencils, marker, number 2 pencil on paper

Blake Broxton

Age 14

Gweneth Torres

"The scene that I drew is when they went out for Stacys birthday and first saw AGB (my favorite part). And this is what I imagined the coffee place looked like!"

Rohan Lilien

Age 13

Joe McManus

Salena Amin


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